
About The Blog

Sup all the name's Ari!  So I guess this is a little intro of me and my blog so here goes. Nostalgia Critic is a good inspiration for me to make this blog, but I don't think his form of comedy would work for me, so we're not doing that. I want to show movies to people that may have been forgotten or are even cherished by a generation. Of course, I'll want your input for any film, and hopefully, it's enough for us to have loads of fun. Anyways if you want to contact me, feel free on Instagram @scriptwizard1998. Anyways, keep those rose goggles on, and I'll see you in the next review!

Interview with the Vampire

Title: Interview With the Vampire (1994) Director: Neil Jordan Cast: Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Christian Slater, Antonio Banderas Summary: A vampire tells his epic life story: love, betrayal, loneliness, and hunger. Sup all it's Ari, and I'm here to remove your nostalgia goggles on old movies. For centuries the myth of the vampire and creatures like it have haunted people to the point where it is a pop culture icon. From Nosferatu all the way down to an animated Adam Sandler, in the west when one sees fangs it usually means a vampire.  With the '90s being all the craze, it was pretty obvious that with the grunge scene the vampire came back. The big two making them the mainstream had to Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But what after it, well we're going to have to go to three movies for our main cast in this movie: JD "The Heathers" JD "Thelma & Louise" Maverick "Top Gun" That&#

WW2 and Cinema in Japan

Title: Gojira (1954) Director: Ishiro Honda Cast: Akira Takarada, Momoko Kochi, Akihiko Hirata Summary: A fire-breathing behemoth terrorizes Japan after an atomic bomb awakens it from its centuries-old sleep. Title: Grave of the Fireflies (1988) Director: Isao Takahata Cast: Tsutomu Tatsumi, Ayano Shiraishi Summary: A young boy and his little sister struggle to survive in Japan during World War. Sup all it's Ari, and I'm here to remove your nostalgia goggles on old movies. So is this a review on one movie? No. Well, sort of but we'll get on with it! From all of the reviews I've seen about WW2, I haven't read any covering the war from a country besides the US. From Japan specifically, the only movie about the war is Tora! Tora! Tora! which includes the Japanese point of view for the attack on Pearl Harbor. However, with these films, it brings the message to the forefront, and we'll go into that now. For fair warning, I will be showing imag

To Kill a Mockingbird Review

Title: To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Director: Robert Mulligan Cast: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Brock Peters Summary: Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Depression-era South, defends a black man against an undeserved rape charge, and his children against prejudice. Sup all it's Ari, and I'm here to remove your nostalgia goggles on old movies. In 2015 Go Set a Watchman was released to the public and gained controversy over the character of Atticus Finch. Having read the book, and its sequel-prequel To Kill a Mockingbird , I won't be reviewing the movie with the books in mind. Without further ado, we'll be reviewing To Kill a Mockingbird . If you haven't seen the movie or haven't in a while, I suggest you watch it before reading on. With this film, I can clearly say that it deserves the awards it gets, from the very beginning to the end. It tells a story of a few summers through the eyes of a child, and it honestly does it in a way that makes sense. From

The Thief and the Cobbler Recobbled Cut Review

Title: The Thief and the Cobbler (1993) Director: Richard Williams Cast: Vincent Price, Anthony Quayle, Hilary Pritchard Summary: A princess and a shoemaker unite to save the kingdom by restoring three gold balls to the tallest minaret. Sup all it's Ari, and I'm here to remove your nostalgia goggles on old movies. So with this movie, there are honestly no words to describe it. It's known more for the creation being over thirty years rather than the story itself, so it was hard for me to find a full copy online. And lucky for me I did, I found the full Recobbled Cut for Richard Williams' The Thief and the Cobbler . So where do we even begin? Well, it's hard to talk about this movie without mentioning how long it took, however, everyone has covered it so instead we're going to try to cover the film alone. To me, at least I didn't grow up with it or hear about it until 2008 when I was getting interested in animation with the Nostalgia Critic. For th

Hook Review

Title: Hook (1991) Director: Steven Spielberg Cast: Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins Summary: When Captain Hook kidnaps his children, an adult Peter Pan must return to Neverland and reclaim his youthful spirit in order to challenge his old enemy. Sup all it's Ari, and I'm here to remove your nostalgia goggles on old movies. The story of Peter Pan has many iterations, from the flamboyant redhead from the animated Disney film, or the blonde heartthrob that was Jeremy Sumpter. For this one we're going to the man, the myth, the legend - Lucius Malfoy, wait that's the wrong one, Dante - is that professor McGonagall? If you haven't read the title, we're going to cover Hook , so if you haven't seen it or haven't in a while, I suggest you watch it since we'll be speaking of some spoilers. Everyone knows the story of Peter Pan , a boy who doesn't grow up takes Wendy Darling and her brothers to a world where no one

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Review

Film Title: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Director: Stephen Norrington Cast: Sean Connery, Richard Roxburgh, Shane West, Peta Wilson Summary: In an alternate Victorian Age world, a group of famous contemporary fantasy, science fiction, and adventure characters team up on a secret mission. Sup all the name’s Ari, and I’m here to remove your nostalgia goggles on old movies. For our first movie, we’re going to go back in time to 1899. Based on the comics by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill; League of Extraordinary Gentlemen follows characters from classic literature to stop the beginning of a world war. The characters in this movie come from works like Jules Verne, HG Wells, and Mark Twain in an Avengers-like team up. Besides the plot, there should have been scenes removed for the shock value. Going into spoiler territory right now so if you haven't seen it, I recommend watching it first. With the reveals of Dorian and M being the villains, it sh